Applauds U.S. Government’s Concern
for Plight of Innocent Civilians and Ongoing Support for Mutual
Fight Against Threats of Global Terrorism
In response to the U.S. Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations' Subcommittee on Near East and South and Central
Asian Affairs hearing Tuesday on recent developments in Sri Lanka,
the Ambassador for Sri Lanka to the United States, Jaliya Wickramasuriya,
recognizes the interest of the U.S. Congress and reaffirms the
Government of Sri Lanka's commitment to supporting all Sri Lankans.
“It is the utmost priority of President
Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Sri Lankan Government,” said the
Ambassador, “to ensure the safety and security of all our
civilians and to look after their welfare. We are grateful to
the U.S. Senate for holding the hearing today, and we appreciate
the government’s continued understanding of our mutual fight
against global terrorism. Although there are challenges remaining
in Sri Lanka, we are strongly committed to democracy and promoting
peace in our country.”
The official hearing record included a letter
to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by the Sri Lankan Minister
of Foreign Affairs, Rohitha Bogollagama, which stated that in
order to protect the remaining civilians, the Government of Sri
Lanka has declared a ‘zero civilian casualty’ policy
for the military. The letter also mentions that the government
has already declared a ‘safe area’ for the protection
of civilians but that the LTTE has infiltrated the area and resorted
to firing shots into the ‘safe area’ while taking
cover behind innocent civilians.
The letter also states that the “[International
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)] and the UN are also helping
in evacuating the injured and attending to their medical needs.
The government continues to send food and other
essential items even to the uncleared areas, with the assistance
of the ICRC.”
After a three-day visit to Sri Lanka, UN Under-Secretary-General
for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC)
John Holmes issued a statement on Feb. 21 where he “welcomed
the increasingly good cooperation between Government officials,
UN agencies and NGOs in providing urgent food, shelter and medical
help, and noted the key challenges ahead, including rapid and
transparent registration procedures, reinforcing the civilian
nature of the camps, facilitating family reunification and greater
freedom of movement, and ensuring the earliest possible return
of IDPs to their homes. He welcomed government assurances on all
these issues, and the increasingly full access for agencies and
NGOs to the transit [centers] and camps.”
Although the UN and ICRC have already been working
in the area, the Ambassador addressed a concern about the safety
of the government centers. “We are guarding the government
centers,” he said, “to protect the innocent civilians
and NGO officials there from suicide bombers and other potential
LTTE terrorist activities.” In fact, the latest suicide
attack took place on Feb. 9 within a government center where civilians
had come to receive humanitarian assistance and medical treatment
in what he called the “LTTE’s reckless attempt to
intimidate other civilians from seeking safety and security.”
The Ambassador also stated that most of the Tamil
population in Sri Lanka lives freely in peace and harmony with
Sinhalese, Muslims and other communities throughout the country
with equal representation of the three main ethnic groups in Colombo.
“This conflict is not one of ethnicity, rather it is a struggle
to rid Sri Lanka of a globally recognized terrorist organization
- the LTTE - that has a history of oppressing portions of Sri
Lanka's society and endangering the lives of all Sri Lankan citizens.”
The Ambassador “commends the Sri Lankan
military for fighting one of the most ruthless terrorist organizations
in the world, while taking the utmost precautions to ensure the
safety of all civilians, many of whom are constantly in grave
danger by the LTTE who continue to hold them and harm them to
achieve their political objectives.”
The FBI has referred to the LTTE as among the
most dangerous and deadly extremist organizations in the world.
For perfecting the suicide bomb and inventing the suicide belt,
the FBI stated that the LTTE’s “ruthless tactics have
inspired terrorist networks worldwide, including al Qaeda in Iraq.”
In addition to the U.S., the LTTE is banned in Canada, United
Kingdom, India and the 27-member European Union. Other disturbing
incidents by the LTTE terrorists include the ongoing recruitment
of child soldiers and the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians
by using them as human shields and even shooting those who are
brave enough to flee the conflict zone.
UNICEF’s chief in Sri Lanka stated on Feb.
17 that UNICEF has received clear indications that the LTTE has
intensified forcible recruitment of civilians and that children
as young as 14 years old are now being targeted. In his statement
expressing grave concern for the safety of children in conflict
areas, Philippe Duamelle said, “We have clear indications
that the LTTE has intensified forcible recruitment of civilians
and that children as young as 14 years old are now being targeted.
These children are facing immediate danger and their lives are
at great risk. Their recruitment is intolerable.”
Further, Human Rights Watch claimed in a recent
report that the “LTTE has been responsible for deploying
their forces within densely populated areas and deliberately firing
on civilians to prevent them from fleeing to safety. There is
also evidence that the LTTE has used civilians as ‘human
shields.’” The report continues, “The LTTE practice
of forcing civilians to retreat with its forces, rather than allowing
them to flee to safer areas, has meant that LTTE forces are increasingly
deployed near civilians in violation of the laws of war. When
military forces deliberately use civilians to protect their positions
from attack, it is considered to be ‘human shielding,’
which is a war crime.”
“President Rajapaksa is working towards
a political solution,” said the Ambassador. “He has
called upon all Tamil political parties in the Parliament to begin
planning for a post-conflict society. We realize that once terrorism
has ended, the only way forward is to bring all the parties together.
As one of the longest serving democracies in Asia, we are committed
to a stable, free and independent nation.”
Embassy of Sri Lanka
Washington DC
25 February 2009