The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Washington D.C. is inviting all Sri Lankan and Sri Lanka related groups throughout the U.S. to establish contact with the Embassy. These groups are requested to provide the following details relating to their respective organizations: name, type of association, list of office bearers, address, telephone, fax and email details. Individual Sri Lankans or friends of Sri Lanka who wish to be involved in Sri Lanka related activities, may also send in their information.

The Embassy seeks this information as part of its “Reaching Out” programme to network with Sri Lankan expatriates living across the U.S., with a view to involving them more directly in pursuing Sri Lanka’s interests in the U.S. Last week announcing the initiation of the programme, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to the U.S. Bernard A.B. Goonetilleke said “We know there are many Sri Lankans living out there, but other than for the few, who are in contact with us, particularly those in Washington, New York, New Jersey and in Los Angeles, hitherto the Embassy has maintained little interaction with the larger population. We are determined to correct this anomaly”.

It is requested that the required information be directed to the Embassy of Sri Lanka by fax at 202-483-8017/202-483-7181 or by email at Please mark your correspondence to “The Reaching Out Programme”.

Embassy of Sri Lanka
Washington DC

20 March 2006

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