Minister Kadirgamar to meet with Secretary of State Powell and National Security Advisor Rice during the visit

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Sri Lanka, Hon. Lakshman Kadirgamar, will visit Washington DC in the week of May 10, 2004. While in Washington DC, Foreign Minister Kadirgamar will meet with Secretary of State, Hon. Colin L. Powell and the National Security Advisor, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, to discuss bilateral cooperation and peace initiatives of the Government. Current relations between the two countries are marked by regular, high level contacts and meaningful bilateral cooperation in the areas of trade, investment, national security and global issues.

Hon. Kadirgamar will apprise the Secretary of State on the policies of the Government and reiterate its desire to achieve a secure, just and lasting peace for the benefit of all communities of Sri Lanka. He will also discuss with, both the Secretary of State and the National Security Advisor, the status of the ongoing ceasefire agreement and prospects for resumption of peace talks.

Minister Kadirgamar is also expected to meet with senior officials of the Department of Defence at the Pentagon, to discuss the ongoing defence and security relationship and, related issues between the two countries. He is also scheduled to visit the US Coast Guard Cutter "Courageous," which is due to be officially handed over to the Sri Lanka Navy next month.

In meetings with Senior Officials of the Office of the United States Trade Representative, Minister Kadirgamar will discuss ways and means to expand and deepen US- Sri Lanka trade and investment relations. Hon. Kadirgamar is also scheduled to meet with members of the US-Sri Lanka Working Group established at the United States Chamber of Commerce to engage them in the current trade and investment opportunities in the country.

Other meetings include those with Senior Administration Officials, Senators and Congressmen, and members of the US business community and the international media. Minister Kadirgamar is also expected to address the Congressional Caucus on Sri Lanka and Sri Lankan Americans of the 108th Congress. Yet another highlight of the visit will be a talk by the Minister at the Brookings Institution entitled, "Sri Lanka: Current Developments & Future Prospects."

This visit to Washington DC is the fifth visit by Minister Kadirgamar as Foreign Minister. His previous visits were in 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2001.

Embassy of Sri Lanka
Washington DC

08 May 2004


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